DWC's Next Gig
Coming soon
to a place near you
Dogs Without Collars
A triumph of delusion over reality
As not seen on Richard and Judy and not heard on Radio 2, but featured on Radio Solent
Photos from 2009

The Gig with The Hornets

One of the best gigs the Dogs have done, with a energetic version of "Oliver's Army", which they had never played before that night, and some equally-energetic cavorting in the front row. The fact that some rather large hornets were buzzing round our heads for most of the gig did give the evening a certain je ne sais quoi.

The Gig with No Voices

Geoff was suffering from a cold and lack of voice before the gig and with the earpieces failing on us, neither Geoff nor Tim had voices at the end. A certain degree of rustiness pervaded the performance (ie we made loads of mistakes) but the audience danced anyway - and the half time takeaway was gratefully received!

The review in "The Bridge", Hamworthy's Magazine said this: "DOGS WITHOUT COLLARS ... We rocked the night away. During the first half, most of us were rather shy about taking to the floor, but, oh my goodness, during the second half, the difficulty was finding a space on the floor. The music was hot, the vocals loud, and the appreciation even louder. I knew most of the words to the songs, which gives my age away. Eloise Bennett said she had never seen Walter so active - his legs have not been the same since. I don't know what time they had intended to finish, but they rocked us on until 10.20pm and judging by the applause, we would have been glad to have them there until midnight. Great show chaps, when are you coming back!" (Audrey Holloway)

The Gig with Clive's Brother

It was Clive's Birthday Party and a back-to-full-complement Dogs played at the Football Club in Shaftesbury, where we were joined by Clive's brother, Mike, for a few songs. The highlight ....? The romantic moment when Clive leapt of his seat to go and dance with his beloved Jean during "Wonderful Tonight". Good job there are many drums on that one ...

The Gig with Chris and Mike

This time, the gig was sans Laurie, who was somewhere, maybe on a course as to how to use a diary. Anyway, we visited the delights of Cattistock, which could be anywhere, but is actually a pleasant village between Dorchester and Yeovil (which means it could be anywhere ...) There was a good pub opposite and they did a good BBQ - and although Tony valiantly battled with the sound system, they did manage to hear the vocals in the second half. Mysteriously, thanks were given at the end of the Gig to "Graham, to Chris and to Mike ...". We haven't worked out who is who yet ...

Quote of the week
"You were all brilliant on Saturday - you must have been shattered on Sunday! Thank you all for the time and effort that you put into it, all of which paid off with a marvellous performance, everyone seemed to be bubbling over with enthusiasm - even if in some cases they hobbled (or perhaps didn't make it) to church on Sunday!!"

The Gig with the Air Guitaring Bishop

After a couple of months off, the band (resplendent in their "2009 World Tour of Dorset" t-shirts) toddled off to Swanwick in Derbyshire (sans Geoff, who was sailing down the Grand Canyon in a rubber dinghy) for the tri-annual Salisbury Diocesan Clergy Conference. So "DWC Lite" invited guest vocalists which brought Kate Sax ("The Long and Winding Road"), Jackie Maw ("First Cut" and "Midnight Hour"), Simon Everett ("It Must Be Love") and Chris Tebbutt ("Summer of '69") to the fore. It was an incredibly hot evening, and the air conditioning packed up (as well as Tim's voice) half way through the evening. The highlight was the air guitaring of the Bishop of Ramsbury who needed little encouragement to leap on stage and perform "Rocking all over the World" with us. Good on yer Bish!

The Gig In The Gym

The band wondered if the echo (echo ... echo ... echo) would be so great that the guitar sustain would last all evening ... but it was fine. They got up and danced, including the Groups #1 Groupie - who, let's be polite, hasn't reached 90 yet (but next year ....). A great time and more dosh for the Bearwood building project.

The Gig with the Postmodern Guitar Solo

A great night at Oakmead school when 150 came to support the brilliant appeal to raise money for a scanner in the Cameroon .... and by the end of the evening £1088 had been raised, the Dogs had them all up and dancing and some people went home with some embarassing raffle prizes. Under some hot lights and with Clive up on a drum riser (he's never been so tall) it all was very professional - and even included Tim's postmodern guitar solo in "Hi Ho" - or "Ho Hum" as it should be now ...

The Gig That DID Happen

A night of musical pandemonium and intoxicating vapours as the Curry Night finally happened and the Dogs rocked em until the late hour of ... er ... 10:15 ...they know how to have a good time in Melbury Osmond. The curry was good and the MC was the ultimate cool (senior) dude...

The Snowed Off Gig

With over 80 tickets sold for a night of curry and boogie, it all boded well until it started snowing again and the cooks couldn't get to Yeovil for the ingredients. The promise of wall to wall ice didn't help ... but would have made the dancing intersting. Tim was relieved because the poor little laddie had fallen over and bruised his hand. Instead of Clapton's "Slow Hand", it would have been a case of "No Hand" or "Slow Hand Clap". The Dogs will be back ... don't think they have escaped that easily ...

The One With The Bubbles

130 hardy souls turned out on a night when the lyrics of "Bad Moon Rising" seemed rather appropriate - and the all-new 2009 Dogs gigs had lights and a bubble machine. Tim liked it but Geoff complained that they were all going on his head. Never mind - the people liked it and we could have gone on for another half an hour and they WOULD have danced. And £700 was raised for the new Blandfrod Parish Centre.